The Florida Elite Recreational Program is a fun filled soccer program for ALL players, Boys and Girls from 4-19 years of age. The Florida Elite Soccer Academy Recreational Program is primarily devoted to the enjoyment and development of youth soccer players. The purpose of recreational soccer is to provide an opportunity for the participants to have fun, learn the sport, develop life skills and discover a love for the game. Prior soccer experience is not required and there is no tryout. We encourage players that are NEW to the game to come on out and have some fun.

The Spring Recreational Program typically runs 10-12 weeks for all ages. Practices take place once a week. Every team will have between 8-10 games per season and games are primarily on Saturday mornings and afternoons, but may occasionally take place on other days due to weather rescheduling. All teams are coached by a volunteer coach.

Program Costs: 

$100 = U5 - U6 (Birth Years 2019 - 2020)

$125 = U7 - U8 (Birth Years 2017 - 2018) 

$145 = U13 - U19 (Birth Years 2006 - 2016)

Prices do NOT included the cost of the required uniform. Current uniform cycle is Fall 2023 through Spring 2025. Full New Balance uniforms are currently $121.50 with the instant FLORIDAREWARDS 10% Florida Elite discount at the WeGotSoccer store online at www.WeGotSoccer.com/FloridaElite. Be sure to order your OAKLEAF Recreational Uniform which will have the ORANGE AWAY Jersey.

Upcoming Important Dates For SPRING 2025 Recreational Season:

Early Registration

During early registration, returning players who wish to play on the same team as their FALL 2024 team are guaranteed placement on that team. Early registration ends
NOVEMBER 30th, 2024 and at that point returning players are not guaranteed placement on their previous team.

Regular Registration

December 1st, 2024 through January 26th, 2025 players are placed on teams on a first come, first served basis. Requests are considered but not guaranteed. 

Late Registration FEE increase

During the late registration period, prices will increase by $25. The Late Registration period begins
January 27th, 2025.

Recreational Program Wait List

Registration for the SPRING 2025 Recreational Program will be set to "Wait List" only at 11:59pm on
January 27th, 2025.
Players who register after this time will automatically be placed on a Wait List. Wait Listed players will only be placed on a Team if there is availability in their particular age group. All players are not guaranteed a Team placement after this date. Please note, the Wait List may
NOT be active in all locations. This depends on player spot availability.

Upcoming dates and next steps for the season

  • Practices begin February 10th, 2025 with one practice a week and Game days on Saturdays primarily (some games may take place on Friday evenings or Sundays)
  • Games begin Saturday February 22nd
  • Games will run through the first week of May
  • No games will be scheduled on March 15th-16th (Spring break) and April 19th-20th (Easter)


Once you register for the Recreational Program you will receive an email with instructions to order your uniforms.

PLEASE NOTE: If you have purchased a new uniform for the Fall 2023 season already, you do NOT have to purchase a new uniform until Fall 2025.

We are excited to announce we are in a brand new 2 year cycle with our New Balance Partners.

When choosing your Uniform number, to avoid as many duplicates as possible, we recommend choosing a number that corresponds with your child's birth day. For example, if your child was born on May 4th, choose number 4. Don't forget to use the coupon FLORIDAREWARDS at checkout to receive your instant 10% savings!

PLEASE NOTE: Uniforms are different for our various locations. Please be sure to order the uniform that is associated with the location you registered for. OAKLEAF RECREATIONAL PROGRAM.

CLICK HERE to order your OAKLEAF Recreational Program Uniform

(difference being the Away Jersey is ORANGE)

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